Home Menu

The Home menu is found in the top right corner of the Home page(red highlight below). From here you can access:

  • Search: (orange arrow) this is a quick search for content items in the Content Manager.
  • Bulletin Board: (blue arrow) the pin icon accesses the Bulletin Board, where you can access rendered publications and alerts, workflow/conversation threads and modeling jobs.
  • Help: (green arrow) click to access the online help, online forum, submit an idea, or submit a support ticket.
  • User Details and Settings: (purple arrow) click the user icon to configure the user's information and application settings, and their application default settings.

Application Help

The help menu provides the following quick links:

  • Online Help - a link to the main online help system for Pyramid
  • Online forum - a link to the user community forum for finding more help are asking questions
  • Submit an Idea - a link to the idea submission page on the community forum (you must be a registered user to submit ideas)
  • Submit a Ticket - a link to the support system, where you can submit a support ticket (only available for customers who have purchased support)
  • New Version - this item will pop-up when a significant new version is released. The link usually takes the user to the release notes.